With CG Seguros, analyze your cyber risk for free
According to INCIBE (Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute), there were 120.000 cyber-attacks in Spain last year. Three out of four have an economic motivation and attack small and medium-sized enterprises. It is estimated that said cyber-attacks cost enterprises more than 400.000 million euros a year, way more than drug trafficking cash moves. It is expected than one out of four of them in 2020 will target The Internet of Things (IoT, in other words, a cyber-attack may cause damage to machinery, vehicles, production lines, and as a consequence, people will also be affected (Industry 4.0).
Cyber-risk survey
Cibersecurity risk assessment: Assess your own cybersecurity in barely 5 minutes.
Do you follow the new Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data?
Report on recommendations to reduce your cyber risk and data protection.
Insurance proposal
Despite introducing as many prevention and protection measures as possible to reduce cyber risk, this does not mean you will not ever be an attack victim, this is why we have created cgciberseguros: wide, custom-made coverage, with no fine print, and with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to experts in legal matters and computer engineering
Protection against cyber-risks
CG Ciber Seguros seek the advice of IT professionals and lawyers specialised in cyber risks, in order to establish your own safety baseline by focusing on training your team and taking steps to establish a safety baseline